Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy life.

I am still doing great. In fact, I am doing even better. I am more alert and happy and I have learned lots of new play-time games. There is a big park near the house and I like going there cause there are not many other dogs that go there. I don't really like other dogs, but I love humans. I lost a lot of weight, which is great, but now I am starting to get a little fatter again, so mom is putting me back on a diet and taking me for lots of running. I like car rides too and dad takes me in the car with him a lot. I trust people a lot more now too. When mom first got me, I bit her on the face. I felt bad about it. I was just scared and confused and on lots of medicine. Now, Mom gives me kisses right on my nose and that's totally cool. When I get annoyed, I don't snap anymore. I just make a little growl Mom calls a "foos" because it sounds like I am saying "fooooos" and then humans know I don't want to snuggle. But most of the time, I love snuggling. I make everybody happy and the humans tell me I am special and that they love me every day. I give them lots of kisses. Except Bunny Thing. I don't like Bunny Thing. She's mean.

Snuggling my stuffed coyote.

I got a yoghurt cup stuck on my nose. Totally worth it.

I like to sleep in Bunny Thing's bed sometimes. She hates that.
It's way too small for me, but it annoys Bunny Thing, so that's good.