Sunday, May 20, 2012

Losing weight, and having fun

I've been having lots of fun the last few weeks! I went on lots of walks and played in the park a lot, and I went to the beach in Santa Cruz! I've been running and playing lots and eating right, and so I have lost more weight! I weight 18 pounds now, which is good! It's a little bit heavy for my breed, but not dangerously fat anymore. I can run faster and longer now and I have so much more energy. When mom or dad go places in the car, they usually take me too. Sometimes I sit in the back seat, but most of the time on Mom's lap. The sun always shines right in my eyes, so Mom lets me wear her sunglasses.

I have not had a seizure in a month!
My claws are much better too. They have grown out so they don't wear down so much, and Mom paints my claws with clear polish that makes them harder to break off. Bunny Thing and me are getting along about the same as usual. She picks on me and I run. Sometimes she chases me in circles around the room and then I chase her around the other direction, and Mom whistles the Benny Hill theme song.

I'm not 100% sure yet, but... Mom & Dad and Bunny Thing are probably moving this Fall in October. Of course, they are taking me with them. I'm totally part of the family and Mom says when we move I will have my own back yard to play in that will be all mine. We're moving really far away though- to North Carolina! A town called Asheville, which is really pretty and up in the mountains.

Asheville, NC

                                                 Asheville, NC  That road is so pretty.
                                                 I am gonna find that road and poop on it.
                                                 That's my goal.