Friday, November 1, 2013

Doing good, but Bunny Thing died.

Just a quick update- I am doing great! I had a nice Halloween with mom and dad and I even got pieces of steak as a treat! I am going in to the vet to get my potassium levels straightened out because I have been a bit wobbly lately but mom says that is regular maintenance. I gotta readjust my meds sometimes and that's normal. There is this dog park I go to twice a week and I made friends there and I run and play and get along with the other dogs just fine. I like playing with the big dogs more than the little dogs. I socialize a lot better with other dogs now. I used to be really nervous around other dogs when I was getting groomed and I had to be groomed in private. But now I go to this doggie grooming salon with all the other dogs and I am just fine. I stand there and get a bath and a trim and I don't mind at all. The nice lady that grooms me knows I have epilepsy and if I get nervous, she puts me in this little playpen away from the other dogs so I can have some quiet time, but I have only needed that once.

We are staying in Sacramento another year, maybe longer. Mom and dad planned on moving out of California but Mom is real sick and can't handle the stress of moving now, so we will be here longer.

The sad thing is, Bunny Thing passed away.
She was very old and mom says she had a long life and everybody loved her a lot. I miss her. For a few days after, I kept looking for her, but couldn't find her, and I even slept in her bed for a night so if she came back and wanted to sleep there I would find her. But I'm OK now.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy life.

I am still doing great. In fact, I am doing even better. I am more alert and happy and I have learned lots of new play-time games. There is a big park near the house and I like going there cause there are not many other dogs that go there. I don't really like other dogs, but I love humans. I lost a lot of weight, which is great, but now I am starting to get a little fatter again, so mom is putting me back on a diet and taking me for lots of running. I like car rides too and dad takes me in the car with him a lot. I trust people a lot more now too. When mom first got me, I bit her on the face. I felt bad about it. I was just scared and confused and on lots of medicine. Now, Mom gives me kisses right on my nose and that's totally cool. When I get annoyed, I don't snap anymore. I just make a little growl Mom calls a "foos" because it sounds like I am saying "fooooos" and then humans know I don't want to snuggle. But most of the time, I love snuggling. I make everybody happy and the humans tell me I am special and that they love me every day. I give them lots of kisses. Except Bunny Thing. I don't like Bunny Thing. She's mean.

Snuggling my stuffed coyote.

I got a yoghurt cup stuck on my nose. Totally worth it.

I like to sleep in Bunny Thing's bed sometimes. She hates that.
It's way too small for me, but it annoys Bunny Thing, so that's good.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

     Wow! Lots of stuff has changed and all of it is good stuff! We moved to a new house and a new city. Now we live in Sacramento, California and we live close to all Dad's family. People come over and play with me a lot and they bring me treats! We have been in the new house for two weeks and I love it- it is huge! The house has four bedrooms, but I am not allowed in two of them cause those rooms are Mom & Dad's business offices, even though Mom works in the dining room most of the time so she can pet me while she works. But Mom doesn't want me to poop in those rooms. Speaking of poopin' - I am getting much, MUCH better at poopin' where I am supposed to. Mom was getting real mad at me cause I was poopin' wherever, but I am getting better at that. I come from a celebrated line of poopers! I go outside under a lemon tree now. There wasn't much grass in the back yard, so Mom bought a couple of real sheets of grass and "planted" it under the lemon tree. I have my own space back there for midnight pees. I even have my own private door to the house!!!

     My little portion of the yard is fenced away because there is a big swimming pool in the back yard. The pool is kind of scary but everyone is being super careful not to let me out to theta part of the yard, and Dad is going to buy a pool cover. Mom went swimming with me, and it was scary at first but then is was lots of fun. She is training me how to get to the stairs and get out. I almost have it down! I am a really good swimmer too! I can swim the whole length of the pool and back again! Mom rigged up a bright red floating thing that sticks up high so I can see it by the stairs. Doggies swim with our heads pointed up so I can't see the steps without a colorful thing up high. Of course, I am never, ever let into that part of the yard without a human watching me, but Mom wants to make sure I know how to get out of the pool, just in case. I've been laying out in the sun, getting a tan lately. I've got a nice piglet pink glow right now. I'm losing weight, just tiny little bit at a time. I run faster and I play more. I have about two seizures a month, but I cope with it, and the vet takes care of me.

Bunny Thing is still mean, but she is not as mean as she was in the apartment, because she has more room to run and play. And I have more room to hide.

I love being around people now. I don't like other dogs, but I love humans! I even like being in crowds of people. Mom thinks that is weird. Mom took me to a Renaissance Faire and I had the most awesome time EVER! I was running and chasing and playing with everybody, and people rubbed my ears and gave me turkey meat! It was like EVERYBODY on Earth was giving me rubs and meat and cheese and telling me I was a good Brocco! It was like I was Dog God and it was Dog God's birthday!

Yesterday was Mom's birthday and lots of people were over to celebrate. People gave me chicken. Life is good.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Good days and one really crappy day

It's only one week until we move! The house we are getting is really big so I will have lots more room to play and avoid Bunny Thing. Normally we get along and even if she chases me, it's not a big deal. But yesterday Dad left the balcony door open and me and Bunny Thing got outside. She chased me and I tried to get away by going through the bars of the railing. I am pretty fat and my fatness got stuck in the bars. I was howling and yelling! Mom and Dad got me out within two minutes but they had to bend the bars to do it. I was scared for a while but then they gave me some chicken so it was OK. Anyway, I've been kind of stressed because the apartment is full of boxes and lots of things are changing but Mom & Dad snuggle with me a lot so that I feel better. Mom says I'll feel better when I am in the new house and settled down.

Today Mom took me for a long walk around the lake and there was this nice guy eating a hamburger. I could smell that burger so much! The man petted me and asked mom if he could give me a "bite" and mom said OK, and then the most awesome thing in the history of awesome happened... that guy tore off HALF of that burger and gave it to me before mom could get a word in. Oh my God! I ate it so fast! I violated that hamburger! Mom has me on a careful diet so I was surprised when she said I could have a bite. I don't think she knew that awesome guy was gonna give me half of his burger. I was so happy that Mom said she didn't have the heart to take it away from me.

A few days ago, I had the worst night EVER. I had SEVEN seizures in one night. It was awful. Mom took me to the animal hospital and my medicine was increased. The change is working. Now I am full of energy and want to run around all the time. I am feeling much better now.

But I also got to go to Sacramento with week to look at a house to move into with mom and dad. I love riding in the car! I got to have a chicken picnic at a pretty park, and I chased squirrels and everyone told me I am cute. It was a great day.

Mom kissed dad on the head when she had lipstick on. She gave me a kiss too
and so I have a pink spot on my head that match's dad's. Dad says I've been tagged.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A tough week but I'm doing good

Well, I had a bad week last week. I had a lot of seizures, which hadn't happened in a while. Mom had a bad week for the same reasons; she had several seizures too, on the same days. But then everything was back to normal, and we're both doing ok now. Sometimes that just happens. The other bad news is that I am gaining weight. For a while I was losing weight, but for the last three weeks I have not been running as much as I usually do and so I gained a little weight. Mom says she'll run around the lake with me more often.

In better news, I have a new favorite toy. It's a blanket! I love this blanket! I mean seriously, I cannot get enough of this blanket. I drag it with me everywhere. I roll around in it when I sleep. Sometimes, when I roll in the blanket, it wraps around me and I just walk around with it like that all day. It's my caped crusader outfit. Mom says I look like one of the sisters from 'Fiddler On The Roof.'

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Yesterday, I went for a walk and sat down to rest under this tree that has a bunch of purple flowers on it. The flowers were falling off the tree like snow and Mom thought this was pretty so she took pictures and stuff.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Plans changed, and the dog in the mirror.

Well, plans to move to the East coast have changed. Mom is real sick. I mean, she'll be OK, but Mom & Dad decided we need to stay in California and close to family for a while. Dad's siblings and mom live in Sacramento, and his Dad lives in Manteca, which is not too far from Sacramento, so we are going to find a house in Sacramento and move there in October. I still get a back yard, so I am happy. Plus, the move will be much easier.

I am doing really well. I had a bad seizure two days ago. Mom forgot to give me my nighttime meds that night. Since Mom is kind of ditzy lately because she is on medication and going through some kind of therapy that makes her forget things a lot, Dad is taking over my medication and feeding schedule for a while. But other than that, I don't have seizures very often. I am getting healthier. I have lost lots of weight, but I am eating well. Mom gives me my dry food, a small amount of wet food, and pieces of roasted chicken, which I LOVE. When she grills veggies for dinner, I get some too. I don't like veggies much but if they are grilled, I love them. I have lost so much weight that I have saggy skin on my neck because my neck used to be super fat.

We got a new car! It's much better than the old one. It's not fancy or nothin' but it's real comfortable and I have a claimed spot in the back seat where I ride with my doggie bed, and some toys. 

But there is one thing that sucks...

There is this butthole dog that lives in the house and he looks a lot like me. Same hair, same eyes, same face. He hides behind this thing called a mirror in the bedroom. I go in there and bark at him, telling him to get out of the house, 'cuz he isn't supposed to live here. I am the only dog here! But he just mocks me by doing everything I do at the same time. One time I lunged at him and tried to kick his ass, but I bumped my head against that "mirror" thing. So I told him, 

   "Fine! Meet me in the living room and I will kick your fuzzy ass in there!"

But when I went in the living room, he was not there.

He FEARS me.