Today Mom took me for a long walk around the lake and there was this nice guy eating a hamburger. I could smell that burger so much! The man petted me and asked mom if he could give me a "bite" and mom said OK, and then the most awesome thing in the history of awesome happened... that guy tore off HALF of that burger and gave it to me before mom could get a word in. Oh my God! I ate it so fast! I violated that hamburger! Mom has me on a careful diet so I was surprised when she said I could have a bite. I don't think she knew that awesome guy was gonna give me half of his burger. I was so happy that Mom said she didn't have the heart to take it away from me.
A few days ago, I had the worst night EVER. I had SEVEN seizures in one night. It was awful. Mom took me to the animal hospital and my medicine was increased. The change is working. Now I am full of energy and want to run around all the time. I am feeling much better now.
But I also got to go to Sacramento with week to look at a house to move into with mom and dad. I love riding in the car! I got to have a chicken picnic at a pretty park, and I chased squirrels and everyone told me I am cute. It was a great day.
Mom kissed dad on the head when she had lipstick on. She gave me a kiss too
and so I have a pink spot on my head that match's dad's. Dad says I've been tagged.
I'm glad everything's going well! Good luck on your move. Love the cute pictures of such a happy doggie!