Thursday, February 23, 2012

Making friends and boogawoof stuff!

So, I've been in my new home for three days now and things are starting to make sense. It's all still a little confusing. I am having trouble figuring out where and when I am supposed to pee and poo. The humies take me out for pees and poos but sometimes I am nervous. Am I supposed to poo on the grass? I dunno! So I poo in the house and they give me that "oh no, you didn't" look that humies get. -sigh- I'll figure it out. But other than that, things are going really good!

I made a couple of friends! One friend is another boogawoof dog named Lily. She is a neighbor dog and her humies are friends of my humies. She is a little black and white dog. We chased each other and played with a ball and it was lots of fun! The other friend is not so much a friend... yet. I'm not sure what it is. Mom says it is a "Bunny" but I dunno what that is. I thought it was a cat at first but it has long ears. Bunny is little, and gray with shaggy fur. She is really nervous all the time and at first she wouldn't come near me cuz she thought I would eat her. I don't wanna eat her though. She's all fur.

So this Bunny lives in the house too, and she doesn't go in a cage. She goes where she wants. She likes to sleep behind the couch or on Mom's lap. Anyway, at first Bunny did not like me at all and she would thump her back feet when I walked in the room. Today she seemed to come around a little, and this morning, she hopped up to me and said hello. We're not exactly friends yet, but I think we could be someday.

Then mom showed me this:

It's kinda blurry, but that's me there, sleeping all nice and deep. 
That gray thing is Bunny, and she is licking my fur! While I am sleeping!!!
Is that cute? Or creepy?

Oh, and it isn't just me that has to learn stuff, ya know. I had to remind these humies that dogs like BELLY RUBS!!! I guess Bunnies don't like belly rubs so the humies aren't used to rubbing bellies and they forgot. Well, I reminded 'em! 

They got the hang of it. Pure dog joy.

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