Friday, March 9, 2012

I am doing so good!

Hi! *tail wagging*
I just want to say I am doing so good! The last few days I am really catching on to my new life and how to do things. My new mom and dad are so proud of me and they give me lots of hugs and stuff. This potty training thing is pretty hard living in an apartment and all, but I am really catching on. I am not totally there yet, but Mom says I am 70% there, whatever that means. She says that is good. I have been running and chasing Bunny Thing and eating really carefully, and I have lost two pounds! Mom gives me lean pieces of chicken and we do exercises on the Wii Fit. Did you know doggies can play on the Wii machine too? They can! Mom used the Wii Balance board to weigh me the first day I was here and I weighed 24.4 pounds. Well, last night she weighed me again, and now I weigh 22.1 pounds! I play Wii Tennis with Mom a lot. We play doubles. Mom hits the ball and my job is to chase it and bark when she swings the racket. I am real good at that! The confusing part is that there is not really a ball, so that's weird, but it's fun! When I win games (Mom says I always win) we go for a walk to the coffee shop and we have tea. Well, mom has tea, and I have a bowl of water and a duck treat. The people at the coffee shop like me a lot, and every once in a while, if there is not many people there, they actually let me go inside and sit under the table- and people come over and pet me, and tell me I am awesome. 

Here is some more good news: I have only had one seizure since I have been here! Mom missed one medication dose, but I did not have a seizure. 

Oh, and Bunny Thing and I are getting along so well! She sleeps by me- not right next to me, but a half a Brocco away. Mom says I measure everything in Broccos. Weight, distance, time... everything in Broccos. So I am about 2 feet long, so 2 feet equals one Brocco. Bunny Thing sleeps a little less than one Brocco away from me, which is good because the first week, she hid fro me and would not play with me at all. Now we play and chase, and sometimes she hops up to me and kisses my face, which Mom says makes her head explode with cuteness, whatever that means. I sleep lots of different places, and Bunny Thing looks for me and sleeps wherever I am. She's a sweet little thing. I like her a lot. I was chewing on a bone yesterday and I got a piece stuck in my throat and I was coughing and trying to get it out, but it was a quiet kind of cough. Well, Bunny Thing was right there, and she started thumping realm hard on the floor to get Mom's attention. That worked and Mom ran over and helped me cough up the bone. So, Bunny Thing is watching out for me. 

Saturday, tomorrow, is Game Day again, and that's nice because humies are real nice to me and last time I sat on the sofa with them and everyone petted me for HOURS! Then Sunday, I get to to to the lake, and that is always fun. Sundays are lake day! Mom said she would take me a lot more often, but my paws are a little fragile. My nails wear down real fast on the concrete when we walk to the lake or take long walks. A couple of times, they wore down too much and bled. It wasn't too bad, and Mom fixed me up good, but until my nails grow out a little more, Mom doesn't want to walk me on cement much, and there is a lot of sidewalk between here and the lake, so four now, only Sundays. But Sundays are so much fun! Mom says she needs to teach me not to nip at other dogs so much, but if I learn to be more polite to other dogs, then she will take me to the dog park. But I gotta do something called "socialize" first. One more thing to learn! She says, potty training first. One thing at a time. When I get potty training 100% learned, Mom is going to take me to "basic training" which is where I will learn "Sit, Come Here, Heal" and a couple of other basic doggie things. That might be fun. I saw the class in the park, lots of doggies like me learning things and getting petted and treats. Looks like fun! 

Oh, one more thing: today, coming home from the coffee shop, Mom took my leash totally off and I followed her really well. I didn't run all over the place or chase anything. I was so good! Mom and Dad were so impressed! Mom says that when I run, my ears flap and I look like "Falcor The Luck Dragon" from a movie called The Neverending Story. He was a dragon with a dog head. Mom says I make her happy and she's like "A fat kid with cake." 

"Chunk" from The Goonies riding Falcor.

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